Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SWB on

Check out today's press release on Penn State University's Official Athletics Website.

"Women's Soccer Alums Embark on Soccer Without Borders Internships"

SWB on

This man right here is a star. Allow us to introduce Graham Hays of

Graham writes for Page 2 and contributes to's women's basketball, softball and soccer coverage. Hays began with ESPN in 1999 and he's now an editor for's SportsNation.

Graham heard about our work and approached us to put together a feature. He's done an admirable job of summing up our current vision for this project.

Check out his article here.

And please excuse me for this shameless (I mean, shameless) plug. But on September 21st, Graham also published an article speculating on the outcome of a few upcoming conference games. He gave props to BC midfielders Gina DiMartino, Julia Bouchelle (sound familiar?) and Kristen Mewis in his review of the ACC, and also acknowledged Penn State as a force to be reckoned with in the Big Ten.

Gracias Graham.

Monday, September 28, 2009

La Llegada a Granada - "The Arrival to Granada"

Apologies for the delay in our first official update. Five days ‘in-country’ before blogging isn’t that bad, right?

Well, as you can read, we arrived safe and sound in Granada. We only endured two or three setbacks – you know, our airplane needing an hour of maintenance before take-off, the difficulties that arise when you stick nearly 400 lbs. of gear with two girls that each weigh about 100 lbs. and change, and the re-entrance into Spanish speaking culture which always makes things interesting.

Again, for the millionth time, thank you to everyone who donated gear this summer – the teams, the schools, the individuals. And a special thanks to Puma – who generously donated over 50 pairs of nearly unused cleats and cleat bags, as well as the bins needed to transport it all to the bodega (storage closet) here in our office in Granada.

And so the journey begins. BWI Airport, 4:30am, Checking las maletas (luggage).

We watch in horror as the pounds keep adding up...fees, fees, fees! Nervously we do the math in our heads. "$100 + $100 + $100...Um, did we fundraise enough for this dude?!"

Gracias a Dios, American permits us to ship our equipment free of charge. Besos (kisses) American. You're lovely.

And after all of it is checked and it disappears on the conveyor belt...there remains only two...

Two planes and three cities later, we arrived in country. We emerged from Baggage Claim into 90 degree heat and immediately received un monton (a mountain) of hugs and kisses from Chepe, Cesar, and Suyen, three of the youth leaders who have been running the office in the interim, as well as Neyton, our friend and official airport shuttle man. After the gear was loaded, we hopped in the cab of the pick-up and we were off.

Cesar (left) and Chepe (right) guarded the rear while we rode an hour south from Managua (la capital) to Granada (where la oficina of Futbol Sin Fronteras is located).

13 hours later and voila! Operation Transport-the-Gear...Complete.

All of Kays Pictures 382

We've been on-the-go since we hit the ground. So far we've emptied and taken a complete inventory of the equipo (equipment) in la bodega, and we're working on constructing brand new shelves to replace the plywood that's sagging under the weight of the dozens of cleats and shinguards, shirt and shorts, sports bras, socks, and backpacks that have found their way down to our office. We'll report back on that project in a bit.

As always, besos a todos (kisses to all) back in the States. We'll do our best to keep your abreast of the progress down here. Thanks to everyone who continues to support the SWB Granada site stateside.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Conestoga Girls Soccer Youth Clinic

ah [ah]
(used as an exclamation of pain, surprise, pity, joy, satisfaction, dislike, delight, etc., according to the manner of utterance)

Okay, so at times we admit this summer’s mad dash to drum up funds and spread the word about SWB has bordered on what some might call “helter-skelter”. Kay and I have spoken at BBQs, in people’s homes, and over dinner with friends; we’ve presented in classrooms and at college camps, clinics, and training sessions; we’ve visited high schools and bars (perhaps those two shouldn’t be placed in the same sentence fragment); we’ve even set up string bracelet shops in the **School to Remain Unnamed For Liability Purposes** dorms. We’ve taken the proverbial leave-no-stone-left-unturned approach and in the process uttered every brand of “ah” we know. But for every ah of pain, dislike, pity, or exhaustion, we’ve had occasion for twice as many ah’s of delight. In large part, we can thank SWB’s newest batch of generous and enthusiastic supporters for the success we’ve enjoyed this summer.

One of our most positive ah moments to-date came in August when we were approached by Danielle Fagan, Head Coach of the Girls Varsity Soccer Team at Conestoga High School and Founder/Director of soccerdcf, a soccer program which focuses on developing players both on and off the field. We had just given an ah-ful SWB camp presentation plagued with more technical snafus than even the Penn State IT Techs knew how to tackle. Danielle, however, was immediately taken with our cause and wanted to help. She suggested we join forces at her team’s Youth Clinic later in the summer, offering to donate a portion of the profits to SWB Granada. Talk about ah-some! (Okay. No more clever ah’s from here on out. Promise.)

So on September 2nd, the Conestoga Girls Team, led by goalkeeper Alex Stone, welcomed 100 girls ages 4-11 for a Youth Soccer Clinic with proceeds going to support both their school’s soccer program and ours in Nicaragua.


Head Coach Fagan credits her team for the event’s success. “I was so incredibly proud of the Conestoga Girls Soccer Players as they were the ones who made it an exceptional experience for the little girls. The leadership of our seniors and contribution by all Stoga players was amazing.” She adds "…they are excited to be able to have a portion of the proceeds donated to SWB, and hope to continue to work with SWB as team Ambassadors.” Well Kay and I, for two, could not be happier to welcome this group aboard.


The school’s soccer program is not new to fundraising for a good cause. In 2005, they held a similar clinic which helped raise money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. These clinics give the Conestoga Girls Soccer players an opportunity to give back to the local youth soccer community as well as make a difference.


Huge thanks to Danielle Fagan for being so instrumental in making this event happen; thank you to the members of the Stoga Girls Varsity Soccer team for your continued support – we look forward to working with you as Ambassadors again; thank you to the young girls who took part in the clinic, many of whom are members of the local Tredyffrin Easttown Youth Soccer Association (no wonder everyone just calls it TEYSA).

Stoga – we ah-pplaud you for your efforts! (Sorry - couldn’t resist) Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your Clinic and best of luck this season. Keep playing for change!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

MBS Pro Touch 'Girls Only' Soccer Camp

From August 3rd to 7th, Maher Brothers Soccer held their Pro Touch ‘Girls Only’ Soccer Camp in Middle Township, NJ. Campers ranging in age from 4 to 18 took part in one of the highest quality summer soccer camps in the Cape May area.

MBS Co-founders and professional athletes, Anthony and Matthew Maher, are committed to taking a holistic approach to player development by pairing elite soccer instruction with lessons in what they call “Life Principle Building Blocks”. Each afternoon, campers and coaches discuss the importance of persistence, decision-making, and keeping a positive attitude – life principles they believe are essential to success both on and off the field.

This summer, they invited Camp Coach Kaleen to give a Life Principles presentation to the girls which focused on the importance of giving back. She shared our story with Soccer Without Borders, talked about our upcoming trip to Nicaragua (T-minus 6 days everyone), and got the girls enthused about the Granada Project. On the final day of camp, our newest supporters outfitted themselves with baby blue SWB T’s while Kay accepted gear donations.

Thank you Maher Brothers for your commitment to running an incredible camp and for allowing SWB to be a part of it. And of course, thank you campers for being enthusiastic about our cause and getting involved in any way that you can.

Even though summer is nearly gone, the Maher Brothers will continue to offer specialized club training year-round, so check it out. In addition, they have found a way to combine “the excitement and athleticism of soccer, tennis, and volleyball into one fast and furious package” - check out their upcoming King of the Court Tournaments as we get closer to the New Year.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Southeastern Pennsylvania Soccer Hall of Fame High School Tournament

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Soccer Hall of Fame hosted their First Annual High School Tournament on August 29th at the Parkwood Soccer Complex in Philadelphia, PA. The Hall of Fame's President Bob Kozlowski and Vice President Gordon Dunlop were kind enough to allow Kaleen to set up shop for the afternoon with T-Shirts and Ambassador information available for high school players and parents interested in learning more about our project.

Girls' Varsity Teams from Boyertown, Perkiomen Valley, Germantown Academy, and St. Basil Academy as well as Boys' Varsity Teams from Chestnut Hill Academy, Hatboro-Horsham, and Father Judge competed in the event.


Thank you to all of those players and families who stopped by to chat and to those who made donations. Every dollar makes a difference.

Bob and Gordon, thank you again for allowing us to be a part of your event. Best of luck to all of the participating teams in your upcoming seasons.

Also deserving a bit of recognition - Miss Amanda Brown - former Lehigh Women's Soccer Coach, soon-to-be University profesora, and banner-maker-extraordinaire (see above). A woman of many talents. Thanks to her mom, Babs, as well for offering her sewing expertise on such short notice. We receive compliments on your art frequently.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

State College High School Tournament

The State College High School Tournament held August 22nd was a rousing success. Both the JV and Varsity teams from State College, Central Mountain, Montoursville, and Milton took part in the Play Day and graciously allowed Kay and me to give mini-schpiels between games about our work with Soccer Without Borders. Many players and parents made donations and got their very own SWB T’s, and many more bid on our Raffle and Silent Auction items.


Up for grabs that day? An SWB T-Shirt signed by Brandi Chastain herself, a framed poster signed by the Bay Area WPS FC Gold Pride team, an SWB T-Shirt signed by former Penn Stater-turned-pro Tiffany Weimer, and an Ali Krieger Washington Freedom shirt signed by members of the team. These items fetched a pretty penny with signatures from Briana Scurry, Abby Wambach, Cat Whitehill, Tiffeny Milbrett, and M.A.C. Hermann Trophy winner Christine Sinclair…not to mention John Hancocks from former Penn State Women’s Soccer stars Allie Long, Erin McLeod, and Joanna Lohman. At the end of the day, we were able to raise nearly $900 for Soccer Without Borders’ project in Granada.


Special thank you to the Washington Freedom and FC Gold Pride Women’s Professional teams for putting their star power toward a good cause with the autographed gear. In particular, Ali Krieger, Tiffany Weimer, Joanna Lohman, Christie Welsh, and Brandi Chastain. Additionally, we’d like to extend a huge thank you to Kevin Morooney for his work organizing the event and putting us on the schedule. Also thank you to members of the The Booster Club for the State College Area High School Lady Little Lions Soccer team for helping put the tournament together, manning the much needed concession stand, and helping us lug those darn tables. Kay, didn’t we used to be D1 athletes? What happened?

Last but not least, thank you to the girls for willingly plopping yourselves down on the concrete to hear about our cause and for being so enthusiastic about supporting in any way you could. You’re the ones really helping make this happen.


Ooh, before we forget, congrats to Joy Gill for trumping the extremely-tough Randy Woolridge in the Silent Auction’s most exciting bidding war of the day. Congrats to the other Raffle and Silent Auction winners – Eve Beaury, Meg Ritchie, and Carol Zeiss – as well.

Keep checking back for reports on the great fundraising events in the works across the region. Have 5 friends and want to get involved? Check this out.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Central Pennsylvania Spartans

Sometimes in life, you just get lucky. And having the opportunity to link up with the Central Pennsylvania Spartans team just happened to be one of those times.

This group of girls (and their parents) have been with Kay and me since our initial foray into the world of fundraising and community outreach. They were hosting a send-off BBQ for their Coach Mariel Wilner (also the Goalkeeper Coach for the Penn State Women’s team) earlier this summer and invited us to share our story, explain our mission, and have a few hamburgers and pierogi along the way. Despite it being our first, and in hindsight rather shaky, public speaking experience, they welcomed us with open arms and insisted on helping in any way that they could.

After they were outfitted in the signature SWB Baby Blues, they got to work. A group of CPU girls and a handful of Penn State Women’s Soccer players set up a table at the 2009 Central Pennsylvania 4th Fest. They distributed information, helped spread the word about SWB, and worked on their juggling skills all the while. Special thanks to Penn State Women’s Soccer players Alyssa Naeher and Megan Gill and CPU players Eve Beaury, Ally Stubbs, Colby Sinclair, Megan Ritchie, Katie Wall, Rebecca Whitney, Mikala Hursh, Ginger Woolridge, and Theresa Ritzman for devoting their 4th of July afternoon to the cause.


An equally enthusiastic shout-out to Jill Garrigan for leading the equipment drive earlier that week. Thankfully, we have a pic that shows off the fruits of her labor.


As if all of this were not impressive enough, the girls most recently organized and held a Car Wash at the Advance Auto Parts on Atherton Street in State College. In only a few short (scorching) hours of scrubbing, hosing, and sign holding, the girls managed to raise $572 to be donated to our project in Granada. CPU players Mikala Hursh, Colby Sinclair, Katie Walsh, Brianna Bevan, Taylor Webster, Megan Ritchey, Morgan Rohrbach, Rebecca Whitney, and Ginger Woolridge generously contributed their unrivaled Car Washing skills and Saturday afternoons to make this fundraiser an incredible success. Eve Beaury led the back by contacting Advance Auto Parts and obtaining a permit. Thank you so much girls. Also, thank you to Gary Gotalt at Advance Auto Parts for agreeing to host the event and provide materials.

Keep checking back for news on CPU’s next endeavor. The team hopes to hold a 3v3 tournament in State College this fall to benefit Soccer Without Borders...keep your eyes peeled!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello everyone! And thank you for taking the time to visit the newest blog dedicated to the Soccer Without Borders’ project site in Granada, Nicaragua.

We’ve been blogging about our experience in Granada from Day One…everything from our first days in the city, to our first T.E.A.M Camp, to the establishment of the city’s first all-female league. We have certainly come a long way since 2006 thanks to the enthusiasm and support of many generous individuals, teams, schools, universities, and organizations. We cannot thank you enough.

While we hope you will still follow our progress, particularly when Kay and I head back down as the organization’s first-ever long-term interns, we also hope you will check back periodically to see the work everyone is doing here in the States to support the project and help it move forward.

A huge number of people have taken it upon themselves to mobilize local networks of fans, players, coaches, and schools to schedule events and raise funds to donate to our cause. All of these people deserve to be commended for the work they’re doing “fun-raising” and spreading the word about Soccer Without Borders.

Thank you again to everyone for your work and Ambassadors, please keep us updated on your events (include pictures!) by sending us your information at

Hasta luego a todos.