Thursday, September 17, 2009

MBS Pro Touch 'Girls Only' Soccer Camp

From August 3rd to 7th, Maher Brothers Soccer held their Pro Touch ‘Girls Only’ Soccer Camp in Middle Township, NJ. Campers ranging in age from 4 to 18 took part in one of the highest quality summer soccer camps in the Cape May area.

MBS Co-founders and professional athletes, Anthony and Matthew Maher, are committed to taking a holistic approach to player development by pairing elite soccer instruction with lessons in what they call “Life Principle Building Blocks”. Each afternoon, campers and coaches discuss the importance of persistence, decision-making, and keeping a positive attitude – life principles they believe are essential to success both on and off the field.

This summer, they invited Camp Coach Kaleen to give a Life Principles presentation to the girls which focused on the importance of giving back. She shared our story with Soccer Without Borders, talked about our upcoming trip to Nicaragua (T-minus 6 days everyone), and got the girls enthused about the Granada Project. On the final day of camp, our newest supporters outfitted themselves with baby blue SWB T’s while Kay accepted gear donations.

Thank you Maher Brothers for your commitment to running an incredible camp and for allowing SWB to be a part of it. And of course, thank you campers for being enthusiastic about our cause and getting involved in any way that you can.

Even though summer is nearly gone, the Maher Brothers will continue to offer specialized club training year-round, so check it out. In addition, they have found a way to combine “the excitement and athleticism of soccer, tennis, and volleyball into one fast and furious package” - check out their upcoming King of the Court Tournaments as we get closer to the New Year.

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