Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Spotlight on Mary McVeigh

Mary McVeigh became involved with SWB Granada in late 2007 while finishing her master's degree at Lehigh University (the alma mater of SWB founder Ben Gucciardi). She heard about the program through Lehigh, contacted Ben about volunteer opportunities, and after spending a couple of months in Granada with former Lehigh Women's Soccer player Molly Luft in early 2008, Ben promoted her to Project Director.

Here she talks with Trina Chiasson of YouthNoise Play City, about the future of SWB Granada, its needs for expansion, and what she feels is the most rewarding part of her work in the program.

Mary says she is thankful for her role in the organization because it allows her to "pay it forward" and give back to a sport which has influenced and shaped the most essential parts of her character.

Apart from that, however, what Mary neglects to mention is that through her work with SWB Granada, she can now pull off a half-decent Salsa. Here, she is pictured at the Grand Opening of the Granada Office in March, unveiling her new moves on La Calle Santa Lucia.

Man Dancing with Mary

Get it Jefa (Boss). Keep up with Mary and her work back in the States with Dartmouth here.

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